how to free a blocked parcel from Thai customs

How to free your parcel when it is blocked by Thai customs?

If you are working in international trade, you may be handling a worldwide business through which you will be selling and shipping your products and merchandise all over the globe.

Handling an international business may come with a lot of opportunities, but also a big number of challenges and obstacles!

Let's say that you are doing business in Thailand, while shipping your product from that country, you must be informed of its policies, rules, and specific regulations; otherwise, you may face a very common problem, a lot of entrepreneurs face: parcel blocking by Thai customs clearance!!

This issue may stop the whole shipping process and cost you a fortune, so what is the solution ?

Keep reading this article, we will provide you with the right guide to resolve this issue to your advantage!

Some considerations to take beforehand

Are you handling international business in Thailand ? Do you ship products and goods from and to Thailand ?

If you are using express shipping to transport your product to Thailand, you may have noticed lately that your parcels are taking too long to arrive at their destination! You may even have received an online retailer or supplier warning customers to expect some delay !

Blocked parcel by custom clearance Well, this means that your parcel is blocked by Thai customs!

If you are using express delivery with a partner like DHL, FedEx, DB Schenker, R+L Carriers, UPS, YRC Freight… you have certainly not received any kind of explanation to his situation rather than having to research this term “ชิปปิ้งสนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ” over the search engines!


SIAM Shipping info : With Siam shipping, we will help you better understand the reasons why Thai customs have blocked your parcel. We will provide you with accurate solutions to resolve this issue once and for all.

Contact our experts located in Thailand who will be eager to help you to release your parcels within few days at no cost.


 What is parcel blocking ?

Parcel blocking is a very common issue occurring in international business. It refers to the situation where a package or parcel becomes stuck or unable to be delivered due to various reasons.
But as a sender or business owner, how could you know when your parcel has been held by customs?

How do you know that your parcel is blocked by Thai customs?

Custom clearance agentIf a parcel is blocked by Thai customs, the sender or recipient may be notified by the postal service or customs officials. They may also be able to track the status of the parcel through the postal service's tracking system and see that it is being held by customs.

In some cases, the sender or recipient may be contacted by customs officials and asked to provide additional information or documentation in order to release the parcel. If the sender or recipient is not able to resolve the issue with customs, the parcel may be returned to the sender or seized.

SIAM Shipping Advice : do you face a problem to free your blocked parcel at customs ? Perhaps you don't know what you should do or who to contact or from where you can get the right information ... Contact Siam shipping experts as soon as possible ! Our custom agents and freight forwarders located in Thailand have all the expertise and the needed solution to deal with your issue. We have helped a lot of clients free their parcels within two or three days thanks to our optimized and rapid process.


Reasons why a parcel may be blocked by customs clearance

General reasons for parcel blocking

Some common causes of parcel blocking may include:

Parcel blocked by thai custom

  1. Incorrect or incomplete address: If the address provided for delivery is incorrect or incomplete, the parcel may not be able to reach its intended destination.
  2. Unavailable recipient: If the intended recipient is not available to receive the parcel, it may become blocked until they can be contacted or a suitable alternative delivery arrangement can be made.
  3. Custom hold: If a package is being shipped internationally, it may be held by customs for inspection or other reasons, causing delays in delivery.
  4. Transportation issues: Parcels may become blocked due to transportation issues such as strikes, accidents, or weather-related delays.
  5. Damaged packaging: If the packaging of a parcel is damaged during transportation, it may become blocked until it can be repaired or replaced.

Parcel blocking can cause delays and inconvenience for both the sender and recipient of the package, and it may also result in additional costs if the package needs to be rerouted or returned to the sender.

Why do the Thai customs hold your parcel 

There could be a variety of reasons why Thai customs might hold a parcel. Some possible reasons could include:

  1. The parcel contains items that are prohibited or restricted in Thailand. For example, certain types of weapons, drugs, and pornography are not allowed to be imported into the country.
  2. The parcel contains items that require special permits or licenses in order to be imported. For example, certain types of plants and animals may require permits to be brought into the country.
  3. The sender did not properly declare the contents of the parcel or did not provide all necessary documentation for the importation of the items.
  4. The customs officials have suspicions about the contents of the parcel and want to inspect it more closely.
  5. The parcel is being held for further investigation due to suspicions of fraud or other illegal activities.

If your parcel has been held by Thai customs, it is important to contact them to find out the specific reason why it has been held and what steps you need to take to have it released.

You can better understand the importing and custom clearance process in Thailand through this infographic :

Thai-Importation and custom process

In order to guide our clients and to help them understand all the details involved in the importing/ exporting and shipping procedures from Thailand, we have created a special guide for you. Discover our detailed article on Thai Customs .

How to free your blocked parcel from Thai customs

Again if you are using express shipping partners like DHL, FedEX , UPS or DB Shenker, you may not find the right answer to resolve your issue

All these shippers do not usually have a direct contact with customs and therefore will not be able to assist or help you! On the other hand, customs officers will not help by providing you with a relevant answer on how you should proceed to get the parcel back or free it.

So unless you are capable to go to Thailand and try to find the information yourself, which is a very long and tiring process … we advise you to contact a local and professional agent like Siam Shipping, which is not only experienced in handling parcel issue like this but also has all the expertise and the knowledge needed to unblock your parcel.

Siam shipping agents have succeeded to help thousands of clients to get their parcels released in a very short time lap, basically our intervention takes only two to three days maximum

Contact us now, by completing this form, so that we can help you free your parcel.

SIAM Shipping info: Do you like our article today? For your business interest, you may like the following useful articles :

SIAM Shipping Advise : We help you with the entire sourcing process so don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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Communication is important, which is why we strive to discuss in the most suitable way for you!

Internship story - Andrea Zamparo

Internship story – Andrea Zamparo

Above all, I wanted to thankMy parents who are the first persons who believed in me, without them none of my way could be possible.Siam Shipping, all the team; NathanNicolas and Fadi; who offered me this wonderful opportunity to learn among them.ECE-BBA INSEEC, to permitted me to accomplish this internship abroad for my education.Alberto DEHAINAULT who gave me the contact to join him in this internship.


School year 2019


Logistics’ lessons abroad
– an internship report –

From January 1st, 2018 To March 30th, 2018 , Bangkok, THAILAND



Fashion, Cinema, Music or the National Basketball Association. These are where I always dreamt to work in. As a lot of people, I guess, to work in what we have interest is surely the best deal. So, when our dear business school of the BBA-ECE INSEEC presented us the three months period of internship abroad, I immediately thought about these sectors. But I must admit that I did not begin my applications as the school advised us, that is to say from May. Instead, I enjoyed my summer by working and I began to contact and search some potential employer during October. I was determined to find an internship which will correspond to my passions, and which will be located in an Anglo-Saxon country, because I wanted to improve my English level. I knew that I wanted not to go in some region as Asia or Africa, because of the population’s lack of English speaking.

None of this happened…  I cannot numerate the number of mail I have done but I am still waiting for a reply … It is the hard reality of the market I guess. So logically, all my entourage as my friends and my family was beginning to worry about my advance. The school was also beginning to remember me that the deadline was almost, and over. During the same time, I was occupied with all the homework, groupwork and the exams to prepare, my lack of organization began to have a sort of impact. Fortunately, I began to get some Skype interview. I also decided to use the services of some specialized companies in the research of internship, known as job agencies. Then I received more calls, which permit me to be in a peaceful mindset to prepare the exams. The problem was that the companies which developed interest on me was not companies I wanted to work with, the proposal they gave me was not in a real harmony with my professional aims. So, we were by the end of November and I still was without a placement. Then, maybe by mercy, some friend proposed me to join them in the same internship. I was offered two interesting internships. On the one hand it was in Chile working in a sort of hostel, in the other hand it was at Bangkok with a very good friend in Logistics. I contacted the two companies and the last one was the first to propose me a Skype interview. Two days later I was accepted. A week later the work placement agreement was signed by the School, the Company and Me. This is how I get my internship with Siam Shipping.

Finally, I was going to a country where at the beginning I was not interest in, but time use reasons … I was going to the Kingdom of Thailand.

More than improving my English, an important thing I wanted; was to discover a new environment, with a new culture. By going to Thailand, I was guaranteed to fill this goal. But we do not have to forget that we, students, were going to do an internship above all. So, indeed, the aim of this “adventure”, if I can describe it as one, was to learn with professionals, to discover a job and a sector. I really wanted to improve my professional skills and knowledge. Also, I wanted to really discover this international aspect, that is to say the different way of work, and the routines of each person.

In this report you will be able to read about the company that gave me a chance to work for three months; Siam Shipping. I will present you their environment, their sector, their story. Then I will tell you about the responsibilities I was in charge of, the missions, my colleagues, my partners, the goals. And to finish I will give you my feelings about all these three months, from a professional point of view, about Siam Shipping but as well from a personal point of view of the everyday life, about the cultural choc.


First part: Siam Shipping and its environment

History: from the beginning to nowadays

Siam Shipping was born from the collaboration between a young business student and a young worker in Logistics. Their names; Nicolas RHAME and Nathan Lelievre. The two are French and they met at Bangkok when Nicolas RHAME had to do an internship as we did. His mentor was Nathan Lelievre. They worked for as seller in a Logistics Corporation.

One day, bored by all the rules and the restrictions imposed by a corporate work, they decided to work together and to set up their own business, in that same sector of the Logistics. So, in 2008, Siam Shipping was born. Their aim is to accomplish all type of shipping, in Thailand and all around the world.

The business is settled in Bangkok, Thailand. “Siam” comes from the old name of the Kingdom of Thailand. So indeed, Nathan and Nicolas, decided to focus on the Thai market.

Structure and results of the company

Currently, the company regroups fifteen employees which make it a medium size (SME). There are two websites of Siam Shipping, the original one opened to every demand and a more specific one, Siam Relocation, which is as its name told us, specialist for the international moving, especially for household goods and personal effects. Siam Shipping was made for BtoB when Siam Relocation was to answer to the BtoC. In reality, people are more often visiting the original website as so they receive quotation request for personal goods from both website.

As Siam Shipping is settled in Thailand and as Nathan and Nicolas are French, it was impossible due to the Thai policy to set their business alone. The company have to be at 51% Thai. Thanks to their network they got the possibility to start their business by being “sponsored” by a bigger Logistics company: Royal Tainer Co. LTD. But without losing their freedom of activities. It was a partnership; they were able to create Siam Shipping. So, they still work closely with Royal Tainer Co. LTD. and the “co-owner” is an accountant dedicated to the company.

That partnership offered to Nathan and Nicolas a head office located in downtown Bangkok, with idyllic location (near of the major port and airport) and a reliable co-worker which is one of the biggest actors in the Logistics sector. Thanks to its positive evolution, Siam Shipping was able to get contact with agents all around the world which permit them to be more and more able to satisfy their clients.

Now, Siam Shipping is categorized among the best in the sector in Thailand, which is the exchange pole of South East Asia, and with such results, and as they almost accomplish their principal aims in Thailand, the company is beginning to extend their business all over Asia. They opened a new platform Sino Shipping which is following the same strategy as Siam Shipping but over the Chinese market.

Services proposed

Siam Shipping is an international freight forwarder. They can do anything to permit you to ship what you want. In logistics there are several types of shipping, so logically, different type of service. The company can do it at a world scale, so indeed they can also do it everywhere in Thailand. Furthermore, Siam Shipping can perform a shipping from A to Z, in other words they can do the shipping from a place to the delivery, that is what we call a door-to-door service.

International Freight Services

If you need to ship something from a place to another, to import or to export.

The goods must be enough large to be ship, in general, Siam Shipping accepts a minimum of one cubic meter (CBM). Siam Shipping can provide trucking service, Air freight and Sea freight.

Air freight can only be done for shipping between 0-2 CBM. Its advantage is that it takes, in general, only around five-seven days. But it is more expensive than sea freight.

Siam Shipping also offer express services using companies as DHL or TNT which cost more but arrive around 3 days later at maximum.

Sea freight is the cheapest way to send goods. But it costs time, indeed according to the destination it takes on average around 35 days. There are different ways to ship goods by Sea freight:

  • Less than Container Loading (LCL sea freight); that is what we call “bulking”, the shipping has to be between 0-15 CBM. All will be load in a container with other shipping. It permits to fill a container and to get a better price when the customer does not have a huge shipping.
  • Full Container Loading (FCL sea freight); here the shipment will take an entire container. It exists three different types of container. The 20’ (15-30 CBM); the 40’ (30-60 CBM) and the 40’ High Cu (60-70 CBM).

Trucking services in general, they are used to get the goods from the original place to the port or airport and then to make the delivery on place.

None service is better than another, it is our job to calculate and propose the best solution to each request. Then prices could depend according to the customer’s budget, or availabilities of the goods. Indeed, the service is not obligatory a door-to-door service, it could be a port-to-port or door-to-port service for example.


Usually it would be more the part of Siam Relocation but as I told you before, people often ask for relocation cases from the Siam Shipping website.


This type of service is made for people who wants to move from or to Thailand. Siam Shipping proposes free quotation. We estimate the situation and the costs. We give a proposal. If it corresponds to the customer, then we can organize a survey, to be more precise in the evaluation.

Customs clearance

It is a major and maybe the most difficult part of the shipping process. That is the reason Siam Shipping can do it all to a private or a professional. With all its network of agents around the world, the company can help customers on every case.


Some people have no problem to ship their product, but sometimes, the period cannot be link perfectly. So, the goods can arrive when the client is not available yet, in that case they cannot let the products at the customs clearance. Siam Shipping can provide a warehouse were the customer can wait and end all his task with a peaceful mind.


In that part, I will develop my thought and the environment of the company by doing a SWOT analysis.


Siam Shipping has different assets. The hard-working mindset of the team of entrepreneurs allows them to pursue their expansion and the development of the business.

The good knowledge of Thailand by the funders (7 years living).

The strong ally they have in Royal Tainer, they had established an important relationship with the company. They now have their own part on the new giant banner on the frontage of the building (cf. annexes).


As Thailand has a very National spirit, and as the company is Thai and the funders are French, Siam Shipping could be penalized more easily by the state government.


Its location is an advantage because, Thailand is literally the platform of Logistics in South East Asia. Do not forget that Bangkok is considered as one of the best city of opportunities.

With their fast-growing activity, Siam Shipping is no longer focus on Thailand but on all the other countries of Asia. Moreover, when Sino Shipping does already exist. China who is the world biggest pole of Logistics of the world.


By going onto several new markets, the original workers have to relocate their workforce in other project. So, they need to delegate to new faces. These needs to be as high as their recruiters to maintain their leading position on the Logistics markets in Thailand.

Second part: role, missions and goals

In this second part I will describe you the tasks and the missions I was assigned, how I was proceeding and working. I will also present you the team we were.

Digital marketing and communication

As evocated earlier, the main strategy of Siam Shipping is based on qualitative logistics service at the best prices.

The task was not as much difficult. The aim was to publish content in relation with Logistics every day, sometimes we have to do text with better quality, so we can get more days to do it. Our internship supervisor gave us text in English or French. These texts were sort to reach the largest targets as possible. For example, one text could be about the importation of a car and the other about the importation of a truck. Then, with these texts we had to modify them, by creating a full new content.

The text’s work is the major part of the strategy, it is the one which needs a certain consistency and time. This task is very redundant, but it permits to develop our vocabulary and a certain brain logical.

As a part of the social network’s generation, we also managed the social network’s account of the company. We were in charge of creating content and answer to the customer’s feedbacks.

This communication mission was entertaining, because we were authorized to use our vision of the brand. Although, to manage an account with a lot of people is a little bit stressing. Create and share content we knew how to do, but the most delicate thing was to treat the bad feedbacks of the customer (even if there are not a lot). Lucky I was to know the job of seller!

In another way, but by being in charge of the communication we were obligated to be scheduled.

Operational and sales

Surely my favorite part of the job. During the first days, our mentors created us business’ email to be ready to work. They immediately gave us responsibilities, they aimed us to sign the maximum of contracts we could, obviously we will get a commission on it (10% of the margin).

Our superior was receiving the quotation requests from the website or directly by email, then he forwarded them to us, the interns. We had to follow an established process. Before to be able to do a quotation, we had to get some important information as:

  • The weight;
  • The volume (CBM);
  • The picking place;
  • The Delivery place;
  • The type of goods;
  • If the customer wants us to pack his goods for him;
  • If the customer wants an insurance.

So, the first thing to do was to contact the client within the next forty-eight hours after receiving an email. If no answer within two days, we contact him again. If there is still no answer, we just have to wait another mail. When the customer reply with the answers we need we were able to quote. But in general, the client takes a time before understanding all the data we want… Indeed at, every single email the director was in cc. and of course he kept an eye on what we were doing.

If we had any question, or issue he was very easy to contact. He gave us the perfect advises and boost us to continue the hard work. For the first quotation (cf. annexes) he assisted us to avoid any mistake. A first month was ending. No contract signed but a lot of demands were pending. By dint of repetition the quotation making was easier and easier. We work closely with export and import service of Royal Tainer to get prices.

Then the first “serious” file arrived. He accepted the proposal I gave him, it was for a relocation. The man was from Mauritius and lived in Bangkok for ten years, but now he decided to go back to his mother land. It was mainly household goods by LCL sea freight from Bangkok to Mauritius. I went to his place several times to check and approve the goods and the packing. The transaction was concluded, the goods arrived in time at Port Louis, without a problem.

At the same time, I was on another file, this time was also a relocation, same situation, but to Indonesia. In Indonesia, the customs clearance could be more complicated than in other countries, so we decided to use the services of another International freight forwarder who have already a knowledge of this country. We decided to work with JVK. All was settled, I already done the survey with our Indonesian customer, he already paid the costs, we were planning a picking date. When our partner announced us an additional cost at the arrival of THB 10,000 which represents approximatively € 258. Then the client did not understand and claimed a refund, which we did. This failure showed me how rigorous we need to be in this job. My supervisor did not stop to tell me that nothing can be promised until the job cost is secured.

Partnership development

These missions were affiliated with the new Chinese branch of the company: Sino Shipping.

The aim was to find trustful partners to work with on this new market. For that, we had a target and we needed to contact them (emailing). Then our supervisor could get in touch with the potential partner.

We get the opportunity to meet one of our target in Bangkok, because of their presence around the world.

The aim was to develop the Chinese branch Sino Shipping of the company.

We also were sent in convention in Bangkok. It could be for French, as an expats meeting, or it could be a meeting where we can see potential co-worker and even our rivals. We were here to talk at the maximum of people to develop relations and possibilities of common work. These meetings gathered a lot of people and furthermore, the buffets were always tasty.

It permits us to experience professional meetings for important stakes.

Organization chart

As presented before, Siam Shipping was born under the structure of Royal Tainer Co. LTD. that is why the companies are closely linked.

Mr. Somchai is the director of Royal Tainer is in charge of everything and follows every customer’s files.

Nathan Lelievre is the founder of Siam Shipping, he works on every part of the business, but he is more focused on the sales part.

Nicolas Rahme is the co-founder, he is in charge of the whole marketing strategy. He publishes media content every day.

Apiwat, Nunthaphol and Wanna were our contacts to estimate the costs for an operation. But in fact, Siam Shipping has more than 30 employees, direct or indirect, al working in Bangkok office, ports and airports and in some cities accross Thailand.


Last part: my experience

Here is the last part. I will develop my personal point of view about Siam Shipping and my life experience in Thailand.

Professional facet

Siam Shipping is a very fast-growing business. They benefited of an incredible shoot up thanks to their excellent strategy. A plan in the spirit of the times, where quality is omnipresent in our society.

Now they need to confirm their market position, and maybe become leader of the sector. This last is large and important, Siam Shipping does not have currently the necessary assets to compete with the biggest of the Logistics and they know that. By the way, they decided to focus more on the “smaller” files like the removal which is “easier” to treat. At the same time with their partnership with Royal Tainer Co. LTD. they are able to give them the “bigger” files which imply steady shipment of containers for important goods. For example, one day, I received a request by an important Indian group who wanted to export four containers by week of quartz. I was in charge of these clients, and when they decided to meet us, I present them to Mr Somchai, for Royal Tainer (I never received any news, so I guess that they did not find an agreement).

Nowadays Siam Shipping is established in the Thai Logistics Environment. The last objective they want to reach in Thailand is to institute a real durability. They want to be the leader in the sector of the relocation from and to Thailand. Which is possible if they continue their strategy.

The best strength of Siam Shipping is their flexibility. It is one of their motto, to always be able to adapt to each customer. In that way, they propose every service that a huge group of Logistics (like AGS for example) can propose. Their only weakness is their size, but thanks to their allies they can solve this issue. By focusing on the relocation segment, they can have a veritable recognition and be the number one of the area.

Although as they almost accomplish their missions in Thailand, the directors Nathan and Nicolas, have bigger ambitions. Since the first days they wanted to set up an international company able to help people from different countries. In 2010, only two years and a half later, they start their Chinese Branch, but with the increasing turnover results they want to hire at the maximum, and to offer lot of responsibilities as to develop the activity in countries as Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia …

To conclude my thoughts about Siam Shipping, from a student eye who saw form the indoors; I would say that the organization is well structure, boosted by a strong will of success. Nicolas and Nathan know what they do not like and are aware of what to do to reach their goals. Even with an amazing year 2017, Siam Shipping still got a huge potential. The customers are coming, and the company did not make use of all the clients they could pretend to have. Moreover, their business is openable to as much countries it exists, which always make it profitable.

I must talk about the organization of Siam Shipping. It is built with an innovative structure. This came from the “non-corporate” state of mind of Nicolas and Nathan. These two were efficient enough in their company, sometimes maybe too much. They were limited by this same organization, as with a classic structure, they had to respect their schedule. With days that look alike from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

So, when they created Siam Shipping, they decided to break off this classical vision of the business organization. By basing the strategy on the customer loyalty, they were no longer forced to go at an office. This last was only needed to welcome the customers. So now, this is easier, as the contact is processing by emails, Siam Shipping’s workers do not need to be at the office all day. They can meet customer either in Coffee or in office.

The key to succeed with such a structure is to have a confident relationship between all the workers. They need to know that they can trust their colleagues. This trust is passing by precision, which is, by the way, a fundamental word in Logistics. The work and the job are priority number one.

To me this structure was not a problem, as I was able to satisfy my customers, I reached my goals and signed several contracts for the company.

Cultural facet

There is a common way of thinking which says that people in Asia (precisely in South Asia) are not as punctual we, westerners, can be. The major example is with trains. During a weekend I wanted to go to the North of Thailand, the historical part of the Old Siam Kingdom. The best way to travel into Thailand was trains; “the fastest and cheapest” (Internet says). But on every forum and blog I visited, people were saying that Trains cannot arrive or leave the railway station at the right time, indicated on the ticket. I took maybe 5 or more times the train, and I was never being victim by a late departure or arrival, it was more often ahead of time. One time I miss my train even if I was an hour before the departure at the station, but it was because of the misunderstanding of the Thai language …

At work, we have some issues with some Thai colleague, indeed, we needed to hurry them a little if we wanted to have some information at the right moment. Because, as I could had seen in France while I was working in a store, when the end of the day was planned at 6 p.m. Nunthaphol (or my French colleague) needs to go to toilet at 5:50 p.m. So, when we have an important customer who wants a quick quotation, it was difficult and problematical to make him wait, while we were waiting for our colleague Nunthaphol to reply. And it is the same in general with Thai workers, they are very strict on the schedule, and will not hesitate to go home when it is time. Indeed, it depends of each personality, I am just describing a generality. So, for this point, it is the same as in France.

The driving, this is something that if you are not aware and prepared, could get you scared in Bangkok, or in Thailand in general. First difference with our dear France, is that the vehicles are right hand drive. Then, you have to be aware of the motorbikes. They are everywhere. In Asia in general, motorbikes are a culture. For example, I know a little about Vietnam; in Ho Chi Minh city, there is over more than the half of the 8 million population that possess a motorbike. In Thailand, the roads are safer than in Vietnam thanks to the highly developed structures. Bangkok has gigantic highways, a sky train, a subway and a good network of buses. These last are the less developed way of transport, this is old buses, but you can go everywhere in Bangkok, a city of 1,500 km² of area. Anyways, the Thai circulation and roads structures does not have to envy ours.

The cost of life. This is clearly something that helped me to live a more than decent life in Thailand. €1 is approximatively equivalent to THB 38. You can find everything you want. With reasonable, cheapest or even higher prices than in our country. The automobiles (except “local” brands as Mitsubishi or Toyota) and the luxury brands for example are 10% to 50% more expensive than in France. But food, transport, sport centers, … life in general is cheaper. When I had to go to the office or to the downtown for example, I always took the taxi bikes (I told you that motorbikes are everywhere!), because it was always cheaper than a French bus ticket.

The food, a vital thing… As I stayed in a hotel for three months I needed to go outside to eat (I had no kitchen). As you should know Bangkok is a megalopolis, so you can find all kind of food. It could be French on the morning, Chinese for lunch, Lebanese for snack and Italian for dinner. All prices are available from the gastronomical menu to the coin plate on the street. I have to admit that I found in love with Thai food, for like €1 I was able to eat a delicious traditional dish in the street. Yes, the cleanliness conditions are not the same, but I am not sensitive about that.

Last important different aspect was the weather, the season was perfect, it was the beginning of the warm season. Every day the warm was on our shoulders. The only problem was the day time. Indeed, at the contrary of France, the Sunrise was early in the morning, around 6:00 a.m. when the sun was going down around 5:30-6:00 p.m.  So, when we worked during the day in room without a window during the day and you want to enjoy your afternoon and evening outside, is it a little disappointed and depressing. It was easy to lose our markers.



For three months I get the luck and the opportunity to learn in a totally different environment that I ever grow up. I learn about Logistics in a young company who showed me a different vision of the ethics of work, and who gave me responsibilities. I worked not as an intern but as a real import / export expert. I helped customers to find their own way. I get a new network, new skills and surely a different personality. I discovered a culture, and different ways of thinking about our society. I lived in other conditions.

Thanks to Siam Shipping I learned more than a simple job. Due to their human sized structure, I had the chance to discover different part of a business. Moreover, I could use more than my International business lessons. The internship was enriching on different levels, on my vision to work as on my vision of the world. Now I know how to secure a job cost, how to estimate a shipment, … I know how to adapt myself to professional situation, and how to react to the cultural differences. I am prepared to work with every people from all around the world.

With that “loose” organization structure, I had the time to discover a part of the history and to meet people from everywhere. We have talked and shared about our respective Nations and life experience (even if mine was logically shorter than them).

At the beginning I would not imagine leaving for Thailand, but finally I learned tremendously. My professional skills are developed in different fields when my culture is always more open. I do not think that I improved as I expected my English, but a little improvement cannot be denied.

This internship taught me how difficult is the Logistics sectors but also how open it is. In other words, I literally discover it, at the beginning I was not interested as much because I did not know anything about. Now I am aware of all the opportunities and how the mechanism function.

Now that I learned a little about Asia I really want to discover another part of the world which America is. That is why next year I am going to Chile and Canada. From the one hand learn more about the personalities of the world and in the other developed my language skills as Spanish and English.

I thank you for the time you took to read my thought about these three unforgettable months. I hoped you enjoyed reading my experience 


DocShipper Advise : We help you with the entire sourcing process so don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

  • Having trouble finding the appropriate product? Enjoy our sourcing services, we directly find the right suppliers for you!
  • You don't trust your supplier? Ask our experts to do quality control to guarantee the condition of your goods!
  • Do you need help with the logistics? Our international freight department supports you with door to door services!
  • You don't want to handle distribution? Our 3PL department will handle the storage, order fulfillment, and last-mile delivery!


SIAM Shipping | Procurement - Quality control - Logistics


Alibaba, Dhgate, made-in-china... Many know of websites to get supplies in Asia, but how many have come across a scam ?! It is very risky to pay an Asian supplier halfway around the world based only on promises! DocShipper offers you complete procurement services integrating logistics needs: purchasing, quality control, customization, licensing, transport...

Communication is important, which is why we strive to discuss in the most suitable way for you!

freight shipping DocShipper

Freight forwarder in Koh Samui

Ko Samui is an island in the Gulf of Thailand, located belonging to the province of Surat Thani.

Located about 25 km from the coast, it is the second-largest island in Thailand, with an area of 228 km² and a population of 62 500 inhabitants in 2012. It enjoys many tourist natural resources: white sandy beaches, coconut palms, and coral.

Siam Shipping is a logistics company that provides transportation services for businesses and individuals in Ko Samui and other countries of Thailand.

As a subsidiary of DocShipper, they offer a wide range of shipping solutions, including air freight, sea freight, and express courier services.


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International freight forwarder in Phuket


Phuket is an island province in Thailand, famous for its stunning beaches and vibrant tourism industry. But let’s face it—you’re here for business, not a vacation. You need to get goods in and out of Phuket without all the hassle. That’s where we come in. We make freight forwarding straightforward and efficient, so you can focus on what you do best.

Why Choose Our Freight Forwarding Services?

- End-to-End Support: We handle the entire process—transportation, customs clearance, and documentation.

- Competitive Rates: Transparent pricing with no hidden fees, helping you control costs.

- Tailored Solutions: Services customized to meet the specific needs of your business and industry.

- Expert Logistics Team: Benefit from our years of experience and deep knowledge of local and international shipping regulations.

You are looking for logistics and/or sourcing services ? You need a dedicated assistance ?
Our experts will answer you within 24h !

Our Freight Forwarding Services to/from Phuket

Air freight from/to Phuket International Airport

Got something urgent that needs to fly out? Whether it’s high-value items or critical documents, our air freight service from Phuket International Airport is designed to get your shipment where it needs to go, fast. We handle your delicate and important shipments with care, ensuring they arrive safely and on time.

  • Urgent Shipments: Rapid transport for time-sensitive deliveries.
  • Special Handling: We ensure that fragile or valuable goods are handled carefully.
  • Global Reach: Benefit from Phuket’s international connections for efficient cross-border air shipping.

Sea freight from/to Phuket

Need to move a lot of goods without breaking the bank? Sea freight is perfect for large shipments. Think of it as a cost-effective way to handle bulk items. Whether you need a full container for yourself or prefer to share space, our sea freight service offers the flexibility you need. We take care of everything from port-to-port or door-to-door, including all the customs paperwork.

  • Full Container Load (FCL): Ideal for large shipments where you need the entire container.
  • Less than Container Load (LCL): Cost-effective for smaller shipments by sharing container space with other cargo.
  • Port-to-Port and Door-to-Door Services: We manage everything, including transport from the origin to the destination, customs, and delivery.

Rail freight from/to Phuket

Dealing with bulk goods and need a dependable option? Our rail freight service is just what you need. It’s flexible and efficient, tailored to meet your needs. Whether you’re looking for a full truckload or a more budget-friendly option, we ensure your goods travel on schedule, with customized routes to keep everything on track.

  • Full Truckload (FTL): Secure and dedicated truckload for large shipments.
  • Less than Truckload (LTL): Economical shipping for smaller loads.
  • Tailored Door-to-Door Delivery: We customize routes to minimize delays and ensure efficient delivery.

Road Freight from/to Phuket

Need a quick and affordable way to move goods across Thailand? Our road freight service is perfect for last-minute deliveries or perishable items. Imagine having to get fresh produce or urgent shipments to their destination—our road freight solutions ensure timely and efficient delivery. From full truckloads to shared space, we customize our routes to fit your needs.

  • Full Truckload (FTL): Ideal for large shipments, with secure, dedicated truckload services that ensure your cargo arrives on time.
  • Less than Truckload (LTL): Cost-effective solutions for smaller shipments, allowing you to share truck space and save on transport costs.
  • Tailored Door-to-Door Delivery: We provide customized routes and schedules, minimizing delays and ensuring seamless delivery to your specified destination.

You are looking for logistics and/or sourcing services ? You need a dedicated assistance ?
Our experts will answer you within 24h !

Shipping rates from and to Phuket

All Inclusive Rates for shipping from and to Phuket

Our door-to-door rates include:

  • Land transport costs (considering the departure from warehouse/factory to the port/airport of origin and from the port/airport of arrival to the warehouse/factory)
  • Local handling and transport costs at ports of origin and destination
  • Shipping & Exchanges
  • Delivery of management and documentation
  • Customs duties, without taxes charged on the international purchase of your stock.

Door to door incoterm

We work with incoterm DAP (delivered to the site) for our door-to-door service. There is delivery of goods at the point agreed by the customer. All costs and insurances associated with the main transportation are included in our door-to-door rates, while import costs are not included.

Sending FCL or LCL door to door

In sea freight, you can choose 2 ways to ship your products. Usually it depends of the volume of the shipment, but it also relies on others factors such fragility or timing. Those two options are simply the FCL which is the Full container (20 feet or 40 feet) and LCL which is a shared container.

Network management

Our supply management services are a range of services that help you manage and consolidate all your transportation needs (multimodal, road, maritime, air or rail), as well as the needs of your supply chain. Supply. Our offer enables you to obtain the creation, management and realization of your logistics, guaranteeing you a wider and more complex transport network.

Transportation management

For medium and large sized shipments, our supply chain solutions, we can establish a transportation management that will improve the performance of your business, with competitive freight rates. Thus, your logistics needs will become simpler, more efficient and more profitable. We use an automated tool to manage the online order price, contact with the various service providers and contract management, shipment visibility and management reports.

The full LTL (Less-than-Truckload)

Trucking Docshipper offers logistics at regional, national or international level. We also offer optional options such as insurance or urgent mention. Our offer is distinguished with its personalized services, its listening salespersons and your qualified employees.

Complete truck loading services

If you need an immediate quantity of goods or relocate your premises, we have a fleet of trucks that are dedicated to your company’s expectations. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will return you in the highest delay.

What does our door-to-door service include?

Complete delivery

Our door-to-door service includes all the necessary steps to ship the cargo, from its origin to the destination:

  • The collection of goods from the consignor’s warehouse or from the address indicated by the consignor. On the other hand, the management of the cargo remains your responsibility.
  • Sea, air or land freight.
  • Import and export taxes, but VAT and other taxes are not included.
  • The delivery of the goods, once unloaded, to the destination that you indicated to us.

door to door services thailand

Domestic and transborder rail freight forwarder

We are a freight forwarder and we also offer our services in all Asia. We can provide intermodal freight for all companies throughout ASEAN, our core business. This will allow companies to reduce costs and this offers an alternative to road transport.

The intermodal rail is also a long-term transport solution, it can be a real door-to-door service solution. It is also a more economical means of transport for companies, which will respond more rapidly to the growing need of the consumer.

Safety is also more important in this type of transport. Indeed, intermodal rail transport greatly reduces the risk of delay and / or theft of merchandise in the cargo. It is also considered a more environmentally friendly means of transport since it requires less fuel.

Intermodal transportation

Intermodal transport is a means of transport of goods that uses at least 2 modes of transport (trucking, rail or boats) without handling the freight. Thanks to these different means of transport one allows oneself to have the best characteristics of each transport used, this also brings savings for the sender. This brings a real scalable capacity for shippers, so if you need a door-to-door service, contact us to know more about our intermodal solutions.

Customs regulations on international move from/to Phuket

Household goods & personal effects

Some products can be imported into Thailand without any tax for the foreigner who imports them, but these personal effects are subject to specific conditions. If the person importing the goods has diplomatic status, holds a valid one-year Thai work permit, his goods enter within six months of his arrival in Thailand. If the above conditions are verified, only one ship or air can be authorized, and the shipper can bring his domestic appliances only free of duty. The rule is similar if it is a Thai national who wants to return his property and personal effects to Thailand. He must, however, prove that he has resided for more than a year in a foreign country and on a continuous basis. It is only by air and sea that goods can circulate, and each of the electrical appliances is exempt from duty.


Anyone not complying with the above rules will have to pay fines. This is the case for all returning Thailand or foreigners who import household appliances and personal property in Thailand. The amount varies according to the objects and is negotiable with the customs service. Siam Relocation will do everything possible to limit the price of these tax obligations to the maximum.

The sender is not obliged to be present in person during customs clearance at the port or airport, but we must despite all present his original passport and a work permit, also original, one year to the Thai authorities During clearance. The shipper must therefore already be in Thailand for the dispatch to be cleared from the customs. A returning Thai national must present his old and current passport.


Prohibited & restricted goods

Some goods are prohibited at the time of entry into Thailand. This includes firearms, ammunition, pornographic material and short wave radios.

Vehicles and move

Foreign diplomats may import a vehicle into Thailand free of duty. Indeed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand must send a letter verifying its status and request that the Thailand Customs authorize the duty-free importation. For other foreigners and Thai nationals importing a vehicle is a very difficult thing in Thailand. The procedures are very complex and very long to import his vehicle. The right to evaluate can reach up to 300% of the purchase value of the vehicle.

Pets on international move

There are special regulations for domestic animals in Thailand. Dogs, cats and birds can be imported without a quarantine period. For this you will need a health certificate dated less than 7 days and a vaccination card in progress.

Pets can be sent as cargo and the fee will be around US $ 4000 per animal. Prices vary depending on the type and size of the animal. No fee is charged if the animals are brought in excess baggage.

Phuket is one of the southern provinces (Changwat) of Thailand. Neighboring provinces are Phang Nga and Krabi, although Phuket is an island and its borders are not terrestrial. North of the island is Phuket International Airport.

Geography of Phuket

Phuket is the largest mainland province of Thailand located in the Andaman Sea, west of the Malay Peninsula. It is very mountainous, with a mountain range west side which aligned north to south. The mountains of southern Phuket extend 440 kilometers from the Kra Isthmus. The highest point of the mountain chain is the Khao Phra Phuket Mi, with an altitude of 1138 m; while the highest point on the island itself is Mai Tha Sip Song (Twelve Canes), at 529 m.s.n.m. About 70% of the island is covered with forests. The western coast has several sandy beaches, but the east coast is generally swampy. The southern end of the island is Laem Promthep, a place very appreciated to watch the sunsets.

The main tourist region of the island is the beach of Patong, which also concentrates most of the nightlife of Phuket, besides being the largest shopping center of the island. Other popular beaches are Karon, Kata and Nai Harn to Bang Tao.

The island was affected by the tsunami of December 26, 2004 that devastated much of the coasts of the Indian Ocean

Economy of Phuket

The exploitation of tin mines was an important source of income for the island since the sixteenth century. Many Chinese workers were employed in the mines, and their influence on Phuket culture can be felt even today. With the falling price of tin exploitation definitively ended. Currently, Phuket’s economy rests on two pillars: rubber plantations (Thailand is the world’s largest rubber Producer), and tourism. Since the 1980s Phuket is one of the major tourist attractions of Thailand. Most of the sandy beaches of the island were transformed into tourist centers, with Patong, Karon and Kata are the most popular.


History of Phuket

The most significant fact in the history of Phuket was the attack by the Burmese in 1785. It is said that Sir Francis Light, a captain of the East India Company, sent a message to the local administration, warning that he had observed that Burmese forces were preparing for an attack. Kunying Jan, the governor’s wife, who had recently died, and her sister Mook, organized the defense of the island. After a month of siege, the Burmese were removed, the March 13, 1785 and the two women became national heroines, receiving the King Rama I, the honorary names Thao Thep and Thao Sri Sunthon Kasatri.

During the reign of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), Phuket became the administrative center of tin production in the southern provinces. In 1933, the Monthon Phuket was dissolved and Phuket became a province.

The old names of the island include Ko Thalang and Junk Ceylan, an English Malay Tanjung Salang distortion (Cape Salang).

Religion in Phuket

Like most of Thailand, the vast majority of the population is Buddhist, but there is also a significant number of Muslims (17%).


SIAM Shipping | Procurement - Quality control - Logistics


Alibaba, Dhgate, made-in-china... Many know of websites to get supplies in Asia, but how many have come across a scam ?! It is very risky to pay an Asian supplier halfway around the world based only on promises! DocShipper offers you complete procurement services integrating logistics needs: purchasing, quality control, customization, licensing, transport...

Communication is important, which is why we strive to discuss in the most suitable way for you!

FI Dangerous Products

Dangerous products

Siam Shipping, through Docshipper is well known in Thailand among importer, and exporter, because of an amazing capacity to ship DG goods from Thailand but also to Thailand. This guide will help you a lot through your decisions on exporting/importing certain varieties of products in/from Thailand.

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Thai silk, Fabric and textiles in Bangkok

Thai silk, Fabric and textiles in Bangkok

The sourcing of textiles is a serious business in Bangkok. This magical city in Thailand has become a huge wholesale market.

If you are one of thousands of contractor walking in the streets of Bangkok in search of wholesalers, then this article is for you. We receive many requests for advice sourcing clothes. Find products is one thing, transporting them is another.

Do not think it’s easy, and here are some basic tips:

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Airports in Thailand

Thailand's airports are vital for both domestic and international travel, as the country is a popular tourist destination and a major transportation hub in Southeast Asia. With a range of airports located throughout the country, visitors can easily access Thailand's diverse regions, from the bustling cities of Bangkok and Chiang Mai to the tropical beaches of Phuket and Koh Samui. In addition to the airports listed above, Thailand also has a number of smaller regional airports that cater to local travel and tourism.

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